Course #4 - Christian and Islamic Theological Issues - Dr. Sassan Tavassoli - Digital Download mp3 set
Dr. Sasan Tavassoli
17 SESSIONS IN THIS COURSE - 11 Hours of Video Teaching (Mp3 Digital Download)
1. Introduction to Christian & Islamic Theological Issues
2. Challenge and Overview of the Islamic Faith pt.1
3. Challenge and Overview of the Islamic Faith pt.2
4. Islamic Objections to the Trinity
5. The Trinity: A Christian Response pt.1
6. The Trinity: A Christian Response pt.2
7. The Trinity: A Christian Response pt.3
8. Islamic View of Man
9. Islamic View of Salvation
10. Sin and Salvation: A Christian Response
11. Islamic View Christ
12. Christ: A Christian Response pt.1
13. Christ: A Christian Response pt.2
14. Islamic View of the Qur'an and Challenge to the Scriptures
15. Authenticity and Authority of the Bible pt.1
16. Authenticity and Authority of the Bible pt.2
17. Authenticity and Authority of the Bible pt.3
Christian & Islamic Theological Issues presents a concise 11 hour explanation of these two very different worldviews. Dr. Tavassoli compares the concepts of God, Man, Christ, and the Scriptures in each worldview, and explains how these differences can be confronted when speaking with our Muslim neighbors. Presented from the unique perspective of a former Muslim, this class is sure to reveal an inside look into the theological differences between the two faiths.
Topics include:
• Introduction to Christian & Islamic Theological Issues
• The Doctrine of the Trinity
• The Doctrine of Man
• The Islamic View of Jesus
• What the Qur’an says about the Trinity
• Christian Response to the Islamic View of Jesus
• Islam’s Challenge of the Scriptures
This course is a survey of the major areas in which Christian and Islamic theology, doctrine and dogma collide. Understanding the basics of Islamic theology is important for shaping an appropriate answer to the questions from Muslims. The content of this course will also provide an important outline for the basic content necessary for discipling new MBBs. At the same time, it is recognized there is limited value to apologetics; ultimately it is the Spirit of God who brings Muslims to Christ.
Born and raised in a Shi'ite Muslim home in Iran, Sasan came to faith in Christ as a result of American Missionaries he met in Europe. He has been involved in ministering to Iranians for more than 20 years and is currently active in producing theological resources and promoting leadership development for the growing Iranian Church worldwide. Dr. Tavassoli has graduated from Reformed Theological Seminary (MA), Columbia Theological Seminary (ThM) and earned his PhD in Islamic Studies from the University of Birmingham, UK