The Cutting Edge Between Christianity and Islam - VIdeo Course - Dr. John Gilchrist
Dr. John Gilchrist
1. The Textual History of the Qur'an
2. Qur'an Origins and Sources
3. The Testimony of the Qur'an to the Bible
4. Sinlessness of the Prophet in Islam
5. The Gospel of Barnabas
6. The Trinity: Unique or Absurd
7. The Crucifixion: Did Jesus Survive the Cross
8. The Integrity of the Bible
9. The Pagan Origins of Christianity?
10. The Atonement: God's Final Revelation?
11. Is Muhammad foretold in the Bible?
12. The Influence of Gnosticism on Islam
13. The Faith of Abraham
14. The Uniqueness and Titles of Jesus
15. Jesus the Messiah
16. True Revelation Static or Expansive
17. Formal Monotheism or a living Space
18. The Focal Point: the Ka'ba or Christ
In this course, John Gilchrist tackles those doctrines, perspectives, and arguments that separate Muslims and Christians. He explains the “cutting edges” between Islam’s and Christianity’s concepts of the textual history of the Qur’an and the Bible, the sinlessness of the prophets, the uniqueness of Jesus, the Trinity, the crucifixion, and what constitutes true revelation. Mr. Gilchrist provides solid biblical and well-reasoned answers for Christians who are discussing or debating with Muslims.
John Gilchrist speaks from over 30 years of personal outreach to Muslims in South Africa and is a well-known international writer, teacher, and debater. He has always believed that the most effective way of reaching Muslims with the Gospel is to base our witness on the Word of God.