Insider Movements: Critical Assessments - Video Course

Insider Movements: Critical Assessments - Video Course

  • $59.00


Dr. Joshua Lingel and
13 other Scholars and Practitioners


  1. Joshua Lingel - Insider Movements: A Critical Assessment

  2. Bill Nikides - Lost In Translation: Insider Movements and Biblical


  3. Dr. Ergun Caner - Medieval Mormonism

  4. Dr. David Talley - God’s Commands For Dealing with Pagan Religions

    and Pagan Religious Practices

  5. Adam Simnowitz - In Danger from False Brethren?

  6. Abdu Murray, J.D. - A Misguided Mission: How IM Robs Us of the

    Blessing of Persecution

  7. Dr. Emir Caner - The IM Equivalent of Limbo: The Camel Method

  8. Dr. David Cook - The Islamic Traditions on Insider Movements

  9. Bill Nikides - Interview with Anwar Hossein

  10. Georges Houssney - Would Paul Become a Muslim to Muslims?

  11. Rev. John Span - The Confusion of ‘Kingdom Circles’: a Clarification

  12. Brian Lenney - Confrontations with IM in the Local Church: a Report

  13. Elijah Abraham - Jesus of Christianity and Islam

  14. Dr. Roger Dixon - Muslim Replacement Theology

  15. Dr. Jeff Morton - “IM” Also Means Inappropriate Missiology


Course Description
This Insider Movements course was filmed at a conference held at Liberty University on October 1-3, 2010, to discuss a missionary strategy referred to as Insider Movements and its radical form of contextualization. Missionaries, missiologists, professors, and theologians gathered together for three days to present papers that assess insider movements from a biblical and missiological perspective. Discussions range from scholars to field practitioners to the local church.

You’ll hear from 14 presenters and their critiques of certain assumptions and tactics of Insider Movement missiology. At the conclusion of the course, we are confident that you will agree with Dr. Jeff Morton

that that IM stands for “Inappropriate Missiology.”