Radical Evangelism to Muslims - Bundle - Dr. Jay Smith
The bundle includes the Video course and Course Book.
Dr. Jay Smith
SESSIONS IN THIS COURSE - 10 hours of Video Teaching (mp4's on a USB Drive)
- Introduction to Muslim Evangelism
- Understanding Islam’s Beliefs & Practices
- Islam & Christianity Compared – “Hermeneutical Key”
- Muhammad – A Christian Critique
- The Bible – A Christian Apologetic
- Confident Christianity: In Seven Areas vs. Islam
- Khilafah vs. Kingdom of God
- Which is the Religion of Peace, Islam or Christianity? The Question Post 9/11 & 7/7
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)
- The Attraction of Islam
- Missiological Methodologies Post 9/11
"Radical" means to go back to the root. In Islam this means to go back to the 7th Century violence of Muhammad, Allah and the early Muslim conquests. In Christianity, however, it means to be devoted followers of Jesus, Paul and the first century churches great commission.
Radical Evangelism to Muslims means to love Muslims enough, to be a faithful witness to the gospel to them in our modern day. Christian apologist Jay Smith communicates the reality of resurgent Islam and it's impact on the Church's witness to the Muslim world. This course attempts to equip Christians with tools to answer the most pressing questions of our day.
- The God of the Bible vs. Allah of the Qur’an?
- Frequently Asked Questions by Muslims
- Problems with the Qur’an
- The Five Pillars & Six Articles of Faith
- Jihad in Islam
- The Khilafa (Islamic State) vs. the kingdom of God
- Why Christians Convert to Islam
- Mission Methods Among Muslims
The events of September 11, 2001 changed world history. They also changed the dynamic between the world’s two largest competing religious worldviews: Christianity and Islam. In the weeks and months following the attacks in the United States on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, Islam experienced its largest period of growth in history and this religion, once obscure to Western minds, became something of a curiosity. Many in the U.S. and elsewhere began asking questions: What is Islam? What does it teach? What attracts people to Islam? Is Islam simply another version or flavor of the other two monotheistic faiths, Judaism and Christianity? Among those in the church, the questions took on a more somber tone: How do we answer the arguments against Christian beliefs raised by Islam? How can we reach Muslims with the Gospel message? How can I move beyond the fear of talking with a Muslim? What can I say to a Muslim to expose Islam for the lie that it is?
COURSEBOOK - 300 pages
The course book is designed to supplement i2 ministries video course #3 - Radical Evangelism to Muslims. If you would like to bring i2 ministries training to your group or church contact us at info@i2ministries.org.
The events of September 11, 2001 changed world history. They also changed the dynamic between the world’s two largest competing religious world views: Christianity and Islam. In the weeks and months following the attacks in the United States on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, Islam experienced its largest period of growth in history and this religion, once obscure to Western minds, became something of a curiosity. Many in the U.S. and elsewhere began asking questions: What is Islam? What does it teach? What attracts people to Islam? Is Islam simply another version or flavor of the other two monotheistic faiths, Judaism and Christianity? Among those in the church, the questions took on a more somber tone: How do we answer the arguments against Christian beliefs raised by Islam? How can we reach Muslims with the Gospel message? How can I move beyond the fear of talking with a Muslim? What can I say to a Muslim to expose Islam for the lie that it is?
This class aims to provide the tools necessary to answer all these questions and more.
Course Objectives
Upon the completion of the course the student will be able to
1. Articulate the five pillars of Islam and describe their significance to a Muslims.
2. Describe each of the six major beliefs in Islam and demonstrate how each influences the worldview of Muslims.
3. Provide a reasonable and winning apologetic of important Christian doctrines while also offering a logical, loving, and sound critique of such Islamic concepts as Allah
Inimitability of the Qur’an Prophethood of Muhammad Khilafah
4. Become familiar with what practical approaches work or do not work in Muslim evangelism and how to form one’s own personal evangelism method.
5. Discuss the different methodologies employed by missionaries who deploy to foreign nations as Muslim evangelists and the benefits or risks of each.
6. Effectively share the gospel with a Muslim by using stories common to both the Bible and Qur’an as a starting point for a dialog that can lead to a discussion about sin, salvation, and Jesus.
Jay Smith, Samuel Zwemer, Various
Jay Smith Bio
An MK born in India, Jay is a missionary with Brethren In Christ, but is best known as perhaps the premier debater of Muslim apologists. Jay is respected for his incisive critique of Islam whether delivered from a ladder at Speaker’s Corner or from a lectern at a University. Jay has traveled extensively and is invited to speak on college campuses, training missionaries, churches, radio and television.
Jay Earned his M.Div from Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary. his Th.M in Missiology from Fuller Theological Seminary and is currently a Ph.D Candidate at the Bible College of Victoria, Australia
Jay is considered to be one of the top Christian apologists to Muslims in the world and has been involved in over 80 formal debates wi Muslims and Scholars
He is the leader of the national branch of i2 Ministries, England. He conducts conferences with i2 Ministries around the world to introduce the Mission Muslim World University Training program to national movements
Please contact i2 if you would like to partner to train your church(es) to reach Muslims: info@i2ministries.org
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