The Islamic Antichrist - Examining Islam's Role in the End Times -Video Course - Joel Richardson
Prof. Joel Richardson
SESSIONS IN THIS COURSE - 8.5 Hours of Video Teaching
SESSION 1 The Gospel of the Kingdom
SESSION 2 The Return of the Lord
SESSION 3 Islamic Eschatological Paradigm
SESSION 4 Who Are the People of the Prince to Come
SESSION 5 What is Next in the Middle East
SESSION 6 An Introduction to Biblical Eschatology
SESSION 7 Loving Our Enemies
SESSION 8 Understanding the Times
SESSION 9 The Battle of Gog and Magog
SESSION 10 Identifying the Beast
In this presentation, New York Times Bestselling author Joel Richardson presents the possible role which Islam and Middle Eastern countries may play in the end times. Joel boldly and with thorough biblical exegesis presents an alternative theory to many common views in today’s church. Specifically, he compares the Muslim view of the Mahdi and end times events with biblical views of the return of Christ and the Great Day of the Lord.
Prof. Joel Richardson
Joel Richardson is a husband and a father committed to the pro-life and adoption movements. He is an artist, human rights activist, New York Times Bestselling author, internationally recognized speaker, and recognized expert on Bible prophecy and the Middle East. Joel’s heart is thoroughly missional, with a deep love for Muslims and the peoples of the Middle East. He is also the author, co-author or co-editor of the following books:
Mideast Beast: The Scriptural Case For an Islamic Antichrist
Islamic Antichrist: The Shocking Truth About the Real Nature of the Beast
God’s War on Terror: Islam, Prophecy & the Bible
Why We Left Islam: Former Muslims Speak Out
Joel has been also featured on, or written for numerous radio, television and news outlets across the world including the Glenn Beck Show, the Mike Huckabee Show, the Gordon Liddy Show, the Dennis Miller Show, Chicago Public Radio, the Steve Malzberg Show, the Sid Roth Show, Jewish Voice Today, Janet Folger, Jan Markell, Janet Parshal, Kirby Anderson’s Point of View, the New York Daily News, WND, the Blaze, Front Page Magazine and many others.